Friday, 13 June 2014


Well, it's been a long time since I last blogged. I've finished my second year at Aberystwyth University and summer has arrived. I plan on changing my blog around at some point, maybe even switching to WordPress - my brother's fiancée has recently done this and it seems as though WordPress allows more to be done :)

This post is just going to be a brief overview of the past few months and then I hope to blog on more detail about some of the things I've done or will do this summer.

Last time I wrote, I'd just been baptised at my church in Aberystwyth where my mum and grandparents had come over especially to watch. That was in February and although nothing major has happened in my life, life has continued to move forward.

I suppose an important event that occurred was that my brother proposed to his girlfriend (the fiancée mentioned previously) whilst they were on holiday in Athens. They've been together since they were 17 and he's almost 22 so I'm guessing it was the naturally the next stage in their relationship.

I also had my geography field trip to Killarney in Ireland. For saying that Ireland is so close it's the first time I've ever been. I had my worries about the trip as the things that were going to be looked at weren't really my cup of tea but I managed to get through the week, without too much trouble.

Over the Easter holidays I went back to working at McDonald's for the first time since my brother died; I wasn't sure how it would go to begin with - I thought I'd have forgotten what to do but it seems like it never goes away. Lots of new people have started working there, some of them in Kieran's year at school which not only makes me feel old, but makes me realise what Kieran is missing out on in terms of getting a job, going to college, having a future ahead of him.

After Easter at uni I had my final exams for second year and I feel as though they went much better than the one I had in January which is a good sign I hope :)

Despite finishing my exams on the 23rd May, I didn't go home from Aber until the 7th June - this was so that Alex and I could actually spend some time going to places and just relaxing instead of having essays or revision to do. Thankfully the weather was mostly nice so we could go to the beach and make the most of our seaside location :)

I was only home two days though before heading down south to see my family. My parents have gone away to Germany for the week and Aidan is still at Loughborough so I'd have been home alone and since Kieran died I haven't really liked being in the house on my own. So, I've been down in Essex from Tuesday until Saturday seeing my cousins and my Auntie and Uncle (I wish there was a word that co-joined these like how you have siblings for brothers and sisters). Now I'm at my grandparents's until Tuesday when I head back to the Midlands.

Over the summer I've got a few things planned involving a Mission Week with my church in Aberystwyth (the students go to another parish and help out there), visiting Alex in Wales as well as starting work on my dissertation and working at McDonald's. I think I'm in for a pretty busy summer so hopefully I'll actually have things to blog about for once :)